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> Hello Daniela and Espen. > > > I'm wondering if it's possible to start the walk in late june or early july. > > Mmmh, of course it will be possible to start in Munich end of June, but I guess you'll get in trouble some days later ... > > Probably one or more of the following Austrian legs in Karwendel, Tuxer Alpen will cause problems: > > Day 6: Passing Birkkar after Karwendelhaus > Day 9: Passing Pluderlingsattel, Gschuetzspitzsattel after Lizumer Huette > Day 10: Passing Friesenbergscharte after Tuxer-Joch-Haus > > > As I understand it the problem might arise when crossing the italian alps (?) > > since some of the passes have a lot of snow. > > Usually Gliederscharte (day 12) has a lot of snow left on the Southern side until July, but the passing should be smaller problem, because terrain is easier and Northern part has typically less snow. > > Next problematic passages like Roascharte (day 15) and the ascent to Pisciaduhuette (day 16) should be possible, when you arrive there. > > Starting so early I highly recommend light crampons (Groedeln) for traversing hard snow fields and considering the hints of the local hut wardens including the current conditions ! > > You might need some flexibility and you might have to take account of alternatives for some legs on your way. > > > I haven't done a lot of research yet, but if it is possible to start > > this early I'll probably have a few more questions > > Feel free to ask further questions ... > > > > From my research I think it should be possible depending on amount > > of snowfall during the winter and when the snow melt will start. > > The amount of snow falling within the winter is very often not the critical thing, but the weather from April to June. > E.g. last year most of the snow in South Tyrol had been gone very early, but a lot of new snow in May and a very cold June conserved it over mid of July ! > > > My plan is to call a couple of the huts at the higher elevations a > > few weeks before I leave to check local conditions. > > Good idea, but very often "a few weeks before" is not sufficient, but "a few days before" at the beginning of the season is better - sometimes conditions change from day to day :-) > > I recommend contacting: > - Karwendelhaus > - Lizumer Huette > - Tuxer-Joch-Haus > - Friesenberghaus > - Olperer Huette > - (Geraer Huette - alternative for day 10) > - (Gamshuette - another alternative for day 10) > > > It might be too > > early to forecast trail conditions in June/July this year at this point. > > Yeah, that's right. > But the big amount of snow within South and East Tyrol is very notable. > > Happy hiking, > K2.
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